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OH NO, a new obsession

10 years ago

Last year I saw how easy it was to take a small craft paint brush and dip it into a petunia to gather pollen and then carry it to another petunia to cross pollinate.
Some are stingy with their pollen, some not.
I got some very colorful results.
This year a kind seed trader passed along "Rain Master" which is white, grows and sets seeds rapidly and reproduces true.
Now I can't keep from grabbing the little paint brush when I go out and make some crosses. Actually I am swirling the brush in many of my petunias to help them along since I don't get bees to do the job.
I am realistic and don't expect to get the colors I aim for but the mystery of what I will get is the fun part. Like I got several beautiful reds this year and did not have one red when pollinating last year.

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