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Cascading P. Afra ~ Trimming / Wiring Ideas

10 years ago


Been growing this one for IDK about a good 3 - 3 1/2 years now
The 2 cascading ones I started from like 1 - 1 1/2 in. cuttings that I got to drape over the sides of the pot & they're holding their shape nicely

The one in the center isn't as old
Added that 1 later to fill in space
Going to strip most of the leaves off the stem & braid it once it gets a little longer

But not sure what I want / should do with the 2 cascading ones
I know they're going to start growing upwards

Kind of stuck between cutting them (see 2nd pic) or trying to wire them to the main steam so the cascade is fuller

What Would You Do???
Open to suggestions ideas etc & so on


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