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baobab chop

10 years ago

This is a re-post of something I put up in the cactus & succulents forum but I think maybe I can get some more feedback here:

My two 4-year-olds are just now breaking dormancy. I decided to pull the trigger and give the smaller one a good root chop. I don't have much experience w/root pruning so it was a little traumatic for me. Here are some photos. I stopped watering this 6 months ago when dormancy started. Since then it has been bone-dry.

My setup:

Bird's nest of roots:

From the bottom:

Post-cleavage. I cut the tap root w/wire cutters. It was really porous and still had quite a bit of moisture stored in it. These suckers can really withstand prolonged dryness. It really reminded me of cutting into a cassava root.

I coated the cut with cinnamon (good idea?), repotted it, and gave it a good soak. Hopefully I didn't need to give it time to callous. One week after the repotting/watering the buds started popping out. I hope this means it is okay.

Assuming this guy pulls through, I'll try root pruning my larger baobab next year. Thoughts? Is cinnamon and callousing only for cacti and other real succulents? Cutting the baobab taproot was very different from other roots I've dealt with.

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