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Blueberries in containers?

When people plant blueberries in containers, how big of a container do they generally use? I know there are some dwarf varieties of blueberry bush... Is a 5 gallon bucket just way too small for these varieties?

Comments (58)

  • justaguy2
    16 years ago

    Blueberries want cool roots, Yipla. A container in full sun sitting on a roof doesn't qualify ;-) Not saying they won't make it, but some provision for shading the container or double potting to get evaporative cooling will go a long way to making happy blueberries.

  • hydropetunia
    16 years ago

    Hydropetunia- (love your name)- you said your plants are doing just fine in the buckets- have your blueberry bushes bloomed and fruited yet? And have you pruned them?

    I have not pruned them in a proper way (may start this fall), but I have taken off branches here and there in an amateur way. As for blooming and fruiting, I do not know if you mean in general or only for this year. I have two plants, which I bought in maybe 1 gallon containers. They each bloomed and fruited their first year, and have continued. If you are wondering about -this- season, they have leafed out nicely but are not yet blooming.

    I'm not too concerned with getting a maximum yield, just happy to have a handful from time to time...


  • glaus
    16 years ago

    I would suggest 'Top Hat' blueberry. I believe you do not need another variety for cross pollination for them to fruit. They can be grown in very large terra cotta pots. I have grown them and know several people who have and have been very satisfied with the results.

  • yipla (Zone 10a border with 10b)
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Ok, I was looking at either Top Hat or Northblue. I agree with hydropetunia, I am not trying to get a ton of blueberries or anything. But, I will try to figure out how to keep the roots cool. If they're getting dripped on with drip irrigation during the day will that cool them enough?

  • justaguy2
    16 years ago

    If they're getting dripped on with drip irrigation during the day will that cool them enough?

    Only one way to find out ;-)

    Will the hose leading to the emitters be exposed to the sun? If so the water will be hot until it's flushed out and the cooler water gets into the hose.

    Still, not saying it won't work, just that blueberries prefer cool roots.

  • jet_ny
    16 years ago

    Hi. I have a grown dwarf blueberry called "top hat" that has been in the same 10 inch pot for maybe 8-10 years.You only need 1 plant. You don't get a good harvest right away on this type, it is slow growing. Maybe it takes 5 yrs to get a significant fruiting. I bought a second one (the other pot and this will be it's 3rd season. The big one is long overdue for repotting, maybe it will grow a little bigger if I do. Mine is in a concrete patio in full sun but I have it elevated about 3 feet from the concrete and it does fine. It is very hardy and mine thrived even with some neglect but now that it's rootbound it dries up quickly that's why I plan to replant it at the end of summer when the fruiting is done.


  • dixielib
    16 years ago

    I put two "top hat" blueberry plants into 10" containers last year after the blooming season. They grew nicely and this spring were covered in blooms. Unfortunately, we had a hard freeze (20 degrees) for several days and most of the blooms were killed. I could kick myself for not bringing them inside since they were in containers. But...nevertheless...I have a good many baby berries from the center of the plant. I would have probably had several quarts of berries if I had brought them inside during the freezing weather. I don't know when to repot them to larger pots and if anyone knows, please let me know. The plants themselves survived the freeze nicely...just mainly blossums died. I am a happy camper with these container drawfs..I think they will produce enough for me to eat along and freeze a few packs for muffins during the winter.

  • justaguy2
    16 years ago

    I don't know when to repot them to larger pots and if anyone knows, please let me know.

    Since you have had these plants awhile you will simply 'know' when a repot is in order. You have developed a feel for watering them and at some point you will notice they need water more frequently. This is an indication the plant has outgrown the water retaining capacity of the given soil volume so a greater soil volume is in order.

    There is also no harm whatsoever in dumping the plant out of the container in the dormant season to get a visual on the roots.

  • yipla (Zone 10a border with 10b)
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    On the topic of dumping blueberries out of the containers in the dormant season, if you don't want to repot into a bigger pot can you chop some of the roots off and just repot into the same pot?

  • justaguy2
    16 years ago

    Can't answer the question, yipla, as I have never root pruned blueberries, but I don't see any reason why you couldn't treat them the same as any other shrub in this regard.

    This could probably be safely done the same time as you are doing routine pruning of the top growth to remove spindly, weak growth or to thin the shrub out for better air circulation and light penetration and fruiting.

    But, I haven't done it so... take the above for what it's worth.

  • yipla (Zone 10a border with 10b)
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Ok, thanks! I'll probably just try and see what happens when the time comes.

  • laidbackdood
    16 years ago

    YES you could root prune.Remove from pot.use a bread knife and
    cut like a peice of bread off your loaf!!form a square,maybe
    cut an inch or two off,sawing straight through.Put some fresh
    potting mix(on the acid side) around and tease roots into new
    soil,trim top at the same time,water and your away.I read dont
    feed with nitrate nitrogen as they dont like it,so urea would
    be a good choice(feed with high nitrogen fert in spring and
    autumn)Good flowers of sulphur is good for making the
    soil more acidic.good luck

  • ponderinstuff
    16 years ago

    Hello everyone:

    I bought a single Blue Jay blueberry plant today at a local nursery. I have a several questions:

    1. Should I have bought two of this particular variety for better pollination?
    2. What size container would be good for a Blue Jay blueberry plant?
    3. Is a plastic pot okay?
    4. I live in Zone 6. Will the plant(s) be okay in the winter if I'm growing in a container?
    5. I'm short of 'full sun' areas in my yard. How would this plant do in dappled shade?
    6. Any suggestions for another variety I can grow so my berry harvest will be staggered? (a variety that would be good to eat right off the bush)

  • justaguy2
    16 years ago

    Hi Just Me,

    I am not familiar with Blue Jay so I can't answer some of the questions, but in general you want at least 1 plant of 2 different varieties for best pollination. Not absolutely necessary though, particularly if you will be happy with a handful or two of berries and don't require heavy bearing plants. There are some varieties that do well without another plant nearby.

    Plastic pots are fine. Pot size depends on the plant size. For a young (1-2) year old plant a 12" container is probably OK, just pay attention to how often it requires watering and repot when you find yourself having to water more frequently. Each early spring, before or just as the plant's buds swell remove it from the container and check the roots. If it's looking pot bound, pot up.

    Overwintering in a container is tricky business. A lot depends on the cold hardiness of the shrub you have. If yours is rated as hardy to zone 3, it will likely overwinter in zone 6 in a pot. If yours is hardy to zone 6 then it's less likely to make it in a container over the winter. If you have an unheated garage or shed to store it in, that would work well. Alternately you can bury the container in the ground for the winter.

    Full sun for blueberries is overrated. In the north full sun is pretty ideal, but in the south part shade, particularly in the mid day can be essential.

    As far as variety recommendations I would point you to Raintree Nursery. Take a look at their offerings and recommendations. When in doubt send them an email or give them a call. Ask for someone who is knowledgeable with blueberries to give you a recommendation based upon your requirements.

  • jenny_in_se_pa
    16 years ago

    Scanning around for info on Bluejay, it is generally listed as Zone 5 which would generally be okay in a container in Zone 6 but with an eye out for severe cold snaps where it might need some protection.

    I've had 5 northern highbush varieties ("Patio"(2 bushes), "Bluecrop", "Nelson", and "Elliott") for between 8 - 12 years in their same containers. I usually remove the oldest woodiest canes each year and will encourage new fruiting canes that sprout from the roots. It's tricky some years when the blooms come out before the bees (especially if the temps are cool) and I'll get many bunches of flowers that don't get pollinated (I usually rely on the carpenter bees to do them up here). But I've done pretty well considering where they are situated. The varieties produce through the summer as they have slightly different fruiting times.

  • gemoon
    16 years ago

    I just found this forum. It is an awesome resource!

    I'm also trying to grow blueberries in containers. I'm going to use one those large black plastic containers that nurseries grow trees in - there is a place here in Berkeley that sells them used for a $1 or so depending upon the size. I was planning to use a 17" container, but after reading this thread, I may get something larger. The bush I have is the Berkeley variety. I bought it this spring and still have it in the original container. It has a handful of berries that are almost ripe.

    I have three questions:

    1. Is it advisable to transplant the bush during the summer after the berries ripen?

    2. Are there any companion plants that I could also put in the container, possibly strawberries? This would offset taking up more space with a larger container.

    3. Has anyone tried using a self-watering system with blueberries. I first learned about these after finding an earthbox at a yard sale. As an experiment, I've converted several 15" rounds into self watering containers. My veggies in these pots are doing well but I'm not sure how this will translate to a larger container with a shrub in it.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my long winded question.


  • mazlee
    16 years ago

    Hi Ed --

    Where do you get those used containers in Berkeley? I would love some.


  • purpleprincess
    16 years ago

    Does anyone know if you can grow blueberries in containers or otherwise in Las Vegas? I have friends visiting from there and they love that they can go out in my yard and graze on fresh berries.

  • kate0120
    16 years ago

    I know this is a little off topic, but Rebecca, you mentioned strawberries in containers. I planted some last year. I don't remember the name. Only that they are an everbearing variety. They are growing, looking good. But no berries.
    Anybody have any ideas or suggestions?

  • paulallen
    16 years ago

    You have already received great advice. One addendum, I'm growing highbush blueberries in 20-inch diameter plastic containers for about five years. The production is great. The soil mix is compost/manure with a healthy dose of perlite and two to four inches of pine bark mulch. I fertilize with Miracid. The plants were purchased from a Maine supplier, Pine something. One bush is Patriot. I opted for bushes that grow vertically. Also, I only prune stems that look dead. Good luck!

  • momotaro
    16 years ago

    I have a lowbush variety, bought from home depot, and usally dont get much fruit set. It produces many flowers but doesnt seem to get pollinated. I've read that you need atleast 2 plants so they can cross pollinate, but if there are no pollinaters around then it wouldnt matter anyways.

    So I'm thinking of hand pollinating myself but not sure how to properly do it. Has anyone tried this before?

  • justaguy2
    16 years ago

    You need another bush, Momotaro. Don't worry about pollinators, they will come. It isn't just bees that do the job.

    Never tried hand pollinating, haven't needed to. Seems really tedious given how many tiny flowers they produce.

  • sus1010
    15 years ago

    i have a first year top hat in a container. no fruit this year but lots of good foliage. any ideas on how to overwinter it in zone 3

  • tapla (mid-Michigan, USDA z5b-6a)
    15 years ago

    Yikes, that's tough - in an unheated garage under an overturned cardboard box (during really cold spells or when the door will remain open during extended cold) or buried against the foundation of a heated building out of wind & sun.


  • mommyofmany
    15 years ago

    My husband picked up a couple of blueberry bushes from Costco last week, and they are already budding and flourishing in my window in the bag they came in which I'm keeping moist.

    Since it's only February and we have already had a few winter storms Im hesitant to plant it outside yet. We picked up some large 24" terracotta pots from Home depot and some special soil and moss.

    I was hoping that I might be able to plant them and keep them inside? I already have a grape bonzai plant that is supposed to fruit this year and I was hoping to have blueberries also. Below is the plant I have that are grapes.

    Do you think that I could keep the blueberry plants easily inside the house? Also, my inlaws have some blueberry bushes- could I use a cutting from theirs to pollinate the bushes later?
    Thanks for your help!

  • tapla (mid-Michigan, USDA z5b-6a)
    15 years ago

    For future reference, if the plants were dormant/quiescent when purchased, it would have been better to keep them in the fridge until danger of serious frost was past and the plants could go outside. Alternately, you could have refrigerated until temps warmed enough so you could move them out on warmer days and inside during periods of chill. You could call the later the 'Blueberry Two-step. ;o)

    I'm assuming only the roots are in the bag & the leaves are exposed, your intent is to plant them in a container, and you only intend to keep them indoors until outdoor conditions allow you to relocate them there?

    If you intend to keep them indoors for now, you should pot them up and keep them in bright light. Humidity will likely be an issue. They won't like indoor conditions much, and it's likely some foliage loss due to cultural conditions, combined with the probability that o/a energy production vs consumption will not favor the plant, will have the plant working in large part from stored reserves. Hopefully, the fact that young plants are a high % of dynamic mass & resilient will carry you through until you can provide better cultural conditions.

    Fertilizers that use urea or ammonium sulfate as the N source are best for blueberries in containers. A weak dose of a urea-based fertilizer (the MG products I've seen have been urea-based) while they're indoors will be helpful, but hold off on the fertilizer when you move them outdoors until mean temperatures are above 55*.


  • dody_gardener
    14 years ago

    where do i find a grape bonzai plant? never seen them

  • tapla (mid-Michigan, USDA z5b-6a)
    14 years ago

    Do a search using the words "wine grape bonsai" in that order and WITH the parenthesis as shown. Lots of sites will come up. They are difficult to keep in bounds because they shoot soo fast. I wouldn't suggest one unless you have some other bonsai experience under your belt, and don't expect it to look like the one in the picture. ;o)


  • penny1947
    14 years ago

    Hey folks
    I just purchased 4 young high bush varieties from Sam's club...2 Blue Ray and 2 Spartan. It will take me a while to get a bed ready for them so rather than leave them in the bags they are in I thought I would plant them out in containers so they can start growing. Also since they are still quite small the containers will be easier to see so they don't get stepped on which I have had happen in the past with other shrub saplings. I am in western NY so any advice will be greatly appreaciated.


  • yodouga_comcast_net
    13 years ago

    I just started 2 blueberry plants this year. I leave in southwestern PA and the winters are fairly harsh. At first the plants looked awful, but came back well thru the summer. This winter I planned on keeping them in an unheated garage. Might that work ? If I do that, should I put a small amount of water on them weekly or bi weekly ?

    Thank you.

  • jolj
    13 years ago

    Tophat from - spring catalog.

  • ChrisPDX
    13 years ago

    Keep them in moderate sun and you should be fine.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Little Giant Blueberry Plants

  • organic_wonderful
    13 years ago

    Is there anything wrong with using phosphoric acid as a pH down instead of citric acid or acetic acid? I want to make up a low pH stock solution of water to use on my blueberries when they need to be watered but if I use citric acid, the pH won't remain stable in the same way as if I were to use phosphoric acid. I also have nitric acid as an alternative if that's a more appropriate option. Any thoughts?

  • tapla (mid-Michigan, USDA z5b-6a)
    13 years ago

    You can use either, sulfuric acid as well, but it may not be feasible if you have to add a considerable amount because you have to account for the effects of all the extra N and P.


  • smhwrite_gmail_com
    13 years ago

    I just found out about container gardening for blueberries but also read that having 3 plants with at least 2 different kinds helps production. I have read mixed reviews of top hat. I do want to get the Sunshine Blue as they seem to be highly recommended for containers what other variety would one recommend? Would the new pink Lemonade work in a 25" wine barrel? That is the biggest size I could find at our garden center and they don't have any dwarf so I would have to order online.

  • jenn
    13 years ago

    Suzette, if you can grow Sunshine Blue then you may be able to grow Bountiful Blue, another one that requires fewer chill hours. I recently bought two and put each one in a pot on both sides of Sunshine Blue.

  • yipla (Zone 10a border with 10b)
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Original poster back! The three blueberry plants I started in pots back in 2007 are all still alive. One highbush variety has been a bit slow to grow, but it produces berries every year. However, the other two dwarf varietes (Northsky and Chippewa) have grown to be nice sized bushes, but their berries never form! They get covered in flowers every year, but no berries. I don't know what's going on... any ideas? I wonder if they're having pollination problems? Anyone hand-pollinate? It's making me really sad =(

  • fruitnut Z7 4500ft SW TX
    12 years ago

    Here are pictures of my blueberries. The 7 yr old produce 15+ lbs per year each. None has ever been repotted.

    Plant size I start with.

    Sweetcrisp one year after above. This is the most crisp, sweetest, best eating blueberry by far.


    Star harvest in front of Santa Fe. Both over 15 lbs fruit in year 7 never repotted.


    Star after harvest and detailed pruning. I'll repot when needed but with plants like this in 15 gal pots no reason to now that I can see.

  • noss
    12 years ago

    Those are pretty bushes, Fruitnut, especially the bottom picture--Just beautiful.

    What size pot is a 15-gallon pot volume? How does one measure a dry gallon? What would be the diameter and depth of 15 gallons?



  • MensaBarbie
    12 years ago

    hi everyone,
    I read elsewhere on this site about how to acidify soil for BBs. I live in Hollywood Hills. My soil is extremely heavy clay. I planted 3 different varieties because I read that you want to plant them proximally with other varieties. they produced fruit weakly but grew (also weakly). Finally, I decided to uproot them and put them into pots (3 gallon with drain trays.) For soil, I used about 1/3 clay original soil plus 1/3 perlite plus 1/3 peat moss. They have already put out new leaves and new growth so I'm optimistic. I also use a foliar spray that consists of a 7-4-10 NPK plus some tomato and rose Miracle Grow for micronutrients. I water daily and they seem to drain and dry out in the summer sun. I am also under a coniferous tree that rains down needles regularly. They seem to like the new situation despite the trauma of 're-potting'.

  • mamamermaid
    12 years ago

    Here is some great information on growing blueberries (even) in Central Texas. I'm in Austin.

    If you're thinking about blueberries, just give them a go in some big containers; you'll be happy happy! I DO recommend the Rabbiteye and be sure to read what this article says about NO soil!

    Yum Yum!

  • foolishpleasure
    11 years ago

    I grow blueberry in containers. My garden soil is very alkaline when I tested it it was 8-9. The Blueberry never done any good in this kind of soil. In containers I can control the Acidity to 5-5.50. The blueberry loves this kind of acidity. I use 10, 15, and 20 gallons containers. I put holes in the bottom and the lower sides of the containers to give the roots chance to travel in the garden soil if they choose. More importantly is the drainage because the earth is the best drainage you could ever have. Some one said when you put holes in the container and plant the container into earth the water thinks the container is far bigger than what it is and keep travelling down. Something has to do with the Capillary movement which is beyond my expertise.

  • jonfrum
    11 years ago

    If you're concerned about drainage in containers, then the best thing to do is to use a mix that drains well. It's a very well-discussed subject on this board.

  • TheDerek
    11 years ago

    My backyard with 5 blueberry containers in half circle around my contender peach tree.

    Large plastic barrel cut into thirds, each holds about 18 gallons.

    Barrel buried in my hard, left lip about 1.5 inches above the soil line so heavy rain doesnt wash dirt into peat mixture.

    Mixture of 2 part peat, 1 part pine bark and 1 part pine needles.

    Bluegold blueberry planted in new location, will be killing grass in that area and covering with wood chips when the rest are planted. Also added a handful of sulfur pellets, 4 cups of 'bunny pellet' fertilizer and 1 cup of bone meal to top 3 inches of peat mixture.

  • BahamaDan Zone 12b Subtropics
    9 years ago

    Update on progress Derek?

  • drew51 SE MI Z5b/6a
    9 years ago

    Probably none made it! Not the best soil mix for blueberries, and certainly the wrong fertilizer. The pine straw shoud have been used as mulch. Although it should not hurt. It may work, but i would use cottonseed meal for fertilizer. You don't want nitrates, and probably the rabbit manure is nitrate. So that is a major mistake. It can kill plants in high doses. Small amounts are fine. So as long as not too much was used.

  • drew51 SE MI Z5b/6a
    9 years ago

    I have 4 plants in pots. I purchased them this year. Here they are at the end of the first year. I will transplant to bigger pots in the spring.
    Southmoon, Legacy, and Cara's Choice

  • TheDerek
    7 years ago

    They are alive but not happy, planning to repot them into grow bags above ground this spring to see if I can make them do something. I got a few berries last year, PH has been a constant issue with them in the ground. When it rains heavy the barrels flood and lower the PH. Ive been watering with sulferic acid in rain water to help combat this, but its an ongoing problem...

  • paragongardens
    7 years ago