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Avocado seed broke in half! what to do now?

9 years ago

Hi everyone, I had an avocado seed sitting in a water cup and it grew a tap root, well a couple of days into that when the tap root was about two inches the avocado seed completely broke in half was both pieces was in the water and the root completely dislodged from the seed. The seed was a little smaller than most cado seeds but regardless it still grew a tap root. Feeling so defeated and waiting two months for the root, I tossed the seed and the root into the garbage. My husband saw how upset I was, he took the root out saw how it was still strong, took a cup of soil and planted the root in carefully. I didn't know this until later on that night when I asked him that the container was.

Now my question is without the seed can the root still grow in soil, and still produce a stem? Or am I just wasting my time? My husband tells me that nature has a way of creating life on its own.