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Fungus growing in garden bed- hugelkulture

10 years ago

I was inspired from some readings this spring and decided to try my hand at a modified version of Hugelkulture (Hugel Culture). I dug 2 foot trenches and buried 3 year dried/rotting maple logs under my gardens. I lined the logs with a bucketful of mushy veggies from my composter, some leaves and a little straw and buried the mess with mushroom compost and 2 year composted horse manure mixed both with peat moss, approx 1 foot deep at least. I also made this part of the garden raised using additional maple logs to hold the soil in.
Everything looks amazing growth wise! This week I started to get some mould / fungus on my beds and within days it is taking over my lettuce, spinach and soon arugula.
1. Any advice for salvaging the other plants?
2. Is this dangerous, I do plan to wash my plants before eating... Two toddlers frequently play in my garden (not in the bed, but beside it)
3. From what I have read fungus is what makes Hugel Culture work so well... Does anyone else have experience with this? There are all sorts of interesting fungi growing on other maple logs that I used to make these beds raised as well. To me these seemed normal and I realized my raised beds would not last too long as the maple would breakdown.
4. Can I put the fungus in my composter??
Thank you so much!!!! I am still a rookie gardener so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

This post was edited by jenottawa on Thu, Jul 4, 13 at 17:33

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