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HAVE: Update: I still have tomato seeds

Seeds I have to trade: or postage only. (SASE)

Tomatoes: 20+ seeds per pack - I wish a similar amount in trade, to make it worth the postage.

Tomatoes only can be sent for one stamp. Mixed seeds (tomatoes plus others) can go for $1.50 postage in a reused bubble envelope I have here.

1. Copia (striped) (unpacked, but quite a bit left)

2. Amur Tiger (striped) (unpacked, but quite a bit left)

3. Sub Arctic Plenty (2 packs left)

4. Magyar Piros Boker (5 packs left) SEE PHOTO Magyar is a lanky spreading plant, so will need a tall, strong support.

5. radish mix ~ Cherry Bell & Sparkler White Tip in random ratio.

6. Cantaloupe~ Hale's Best

7. old acorn squash~germination unknown

They were all organically grown and actually grown vegan, with no fish, feather, blood, or bone meals, nor were commercial animal manures used.

I used, Happy Frog commercial soil, worm castings, pet rabbit manure,(the 2 rabbits are strictly inside, in big roomy dog crates, and fed organic vegan foods, organic produce scraps, untreated garden weeds, untreated grass, etc), organic cottonseed meal, organic alfalfa meal, kelp meal, rock phosphate, greensand, etc.

So, any unwanted greenery, is given to the rabbits, who make nutrient dense fertilizer which in turn, the worms and soil microbs break down further, nothing is wasted, and it's less labor intensive, than a compost pile.

No pesticides were used at all, as there were no pests in 2014.

Any weeds were hand pulled, and fed to the rabbits.

Seeds I am looking for:

1. Rose Quartz multiflora Cherry Tomato
2. Whippersnapper Tomato
3. "grain" seeds, millet, wheat, sorgum, amaranth, etc
4. comfrey root cuttings, or seeds
5. NON hybrid DETERMINANT tomatoes
6. Turkish Striped Monestery tomato
7. goose creek tomato
8. Gogoshari tomato
9. chives
10. garlic
11. Peach type tomatoes, like Garden Peach
12. Topaz tomato (violet Jasper sibling)
13. ANY Brad Gates tomatoes, Large Barred boar, fuzzy boars, Michael Polan, Berkeley tie dye, Berkely Tye Dye OXHEART, Black & Brown Boar , Dino Eggs, Furry Red Boar , Pink Berkeley Tie Dye Striped , Cascade Lava, solar flare. etc.
14. Gypsy tomato
15. Zapotec pleated tomato
16. accordian tomato
17. Stick/curl tomato
18. Striped Roman paste tomato
19. Sweet Carneros Pink
20. Sweet Solano (AAA)
21. Albenga Oxheart Tomato
22. Amana Orange Beefsteak
23. Anna Russian Tomato
24. Woodle orange Tomato
25. Azoychka yellow tomato
26. Black Aztec (Negro Azteca) Cherry Tomato
27. Belarus Orange 1 Tomato
28. Black Zebra CHERRY Tomato
29. Bradley Red Tomato
30. Chocolate Cherry Tomato
31. Chudo Rynka Large Red-Orange Cherry Tomato
32. Costoluto Genovese Red Tomato
33. Csikos Botermo Striped Tomato
34. Cuban Black Tomato
35. Earl's Faux Pink Beefsteak
36. Efemer "unusual" Russian Red Tomato
37. Efiop (Black Plum) Tomato
38. Feuerwerk ("Firework" in german) Tomato
39. Gulf State Market Red Tomato
40. Haley's Purple Comet Cherry Tomato
41. Hard Rock Red Dwarf Tomato
42. Holyland Red Tomato
43. Isis Candy Orangish Yellow Cherry
44. Kentucky Beefsteak Yellow Orange Tomato
45. Kibits Reddish Orange Tomato
46. Lutescente Red Tomato
47. Nature's Riddle Bicolor Pink & Yellow Beefsteak
48. Old German Bicolor Heirloom
49. Orange Fleshed Purple Smudge Bicolor Tomato
50. Pacara Bicolor Red & Green Tomato
51. Peach Blow (Sutton's) Tomato
52. Pink Flamingo Tomato
53. Red Head Radish
54. Pink Ponderosa (Henerson's) beefsteak
55. Plum Lemon tomato
56. Pruden's Purple
57. Roughwood Golden Tiger Red & Orange Striped Tomato (angora gene)
58. Sabre Ukrainian (Sabelka) Large Reddish Orange Paste Type Tomato
59. Schimmeig Red & Orange Striped Hollow "Stuffing" Tomato (striped cavern)
60. Amber Colored cherry tomato
61.Sheyenne tomato
62. Chiogga Beets
63. Carrots - Prefer "baby" types, but can use any.
64. Early Blood Turnip
65. Gold Turnip
66. Spinach
67. any multiflora, or milliflora tomato types.
68. any angora gene tomatoes
69. long paste tomatoes
70. rare, or not widely known tomatoes
71. Chinese Leaf Beets
72. broccoli
73. other turnips & parsnips
74. GARLIC chives
75. Gold Medal tomato

  1. FAIR EXCHANGE (at least 20 seeds per traded item, maybe more if tiny seed, and less if large seed) for something I don't have/not on the list above.

What do you have?

I love tomatoes with foreign names, AKA Russian, Polish, German, etc

This post was edited by seedtraderyandex on Thu, Jan 22, 15 at 14:10

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