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Rose rebirth

I was given a single stemed yellow rose on valentines day . I didn't have a vase at the time so I places the rose in a water bottle filled with filtered watered. I was too lazy to throw the rose out when I noticed it had started dying. I was doing some cleaning over this past weekend and went to go pick up the bottle when I noticed the already dead rose had a growth on the stem as the picture shows. I've kept it in a well lit area but have not added anything to the bottle since the day I placed it inside. I'm excited at this point it appears to be a mini rose bush still growing on the side of the stem . I did however cut off the completely dead portion of the stem including the original rose . What is left is just the stem. I want it to continue to grow but I'm not sure if I should remove it from the water bottle or jus cut off the top so it could "spread it's wings". Can someone please give me some "green thumb" tips. I'd greatly appreciate it . Thanks in advance :)

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