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What am I? Name tag just says Foliage

9 years ago

I when shopping today to get a few items for my plants. I ended up not finding what I was looking for but I saw this cute one and ended up taken it home. lol The poor thing had to deal with my rollerblading for about 3miles. I left it out side but not sure if its best there or inside and I want to repot it so any info on what it is and how to care for it would be great.

The tag only says Foliage.
8" Foliage HB.
Light: Prefers bright to moderate light
Water: prefers moderately moist soil. Water thoroughly when just the soil surface is dry to the touch.
Bloom Period: Foliage plant
Foliage plants come in many sizes, shapes and colors. Use as an accent in pots or hanging baskets.
Also on take is this places upc sticker

So what type of plant and I and what care do I really need?

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