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Ok, so here's the next snake saga!

Marlene Kindred
14 years ago

Well, most of your probably remember my fishpond/heron/snake story from back in May, so you will get a kick out of this one too most likely! Today, my DD and I were going out to run some errands and as we opened the door to leave, we noticed the robins in the willow trip by the driveway were going nuts....chirping and flying all around. We didn't even realize they had a nest there until today. So, anyway, we're just commenting on the silly robins, when my eyes wander up to the branch hanging over my DD's head....O-M-G!! There's a snake hanging there on the branch!!! That little sucker was up there trying to get the baby birds!!! Ooooooh....that just makes me so upset! Last year we lost a nest of doves to a, I run around the house and get out the ladder and my DD grabs a long pole....we run back to the driveway and I hold the ladder and she climbs up and starts poking the snake. ( I should say that I had tried to get the snake before this with a stick, but I managed to run him back toward the nest!) Anyway....she finally gets close enough and sticks the pole into a coil of the snake and ....WOOOSH! The snake goes flying through the air and lands with a big THUD in the driveway!!! YEEEHAAA ! We saved the babies!!! I ran the snake off and DD climbed back down to safety. Mama and Daddy robin were VERY happy!! They twittered and flew around and around!! Guess that old story of "Don't mess with Baby Bear, or Mama Bear will get you" applies to the feathered kingdom as well...even if we humans have to help out from time to time!! And the excitement continues!!

Comments (10)

  • leveta
    14 years ago

    Great for you and DD...Our biggest culprit is usually starlings...

  • Purplemoon
    14 years ago

    I'm glad you didn't have to kill the snake. I don't want him getting the baby birds, but think he also deserves a bit of sympathy for just trying to survive.
    Wish all creatures were vegetarians. LOL.

    Here's a hysterical video on youtube of a mad rabbit and a snake. Tough lil TX bunny.

    hugs, Karen

    Here is a link that might be useful: bunny vs snake

  • leveta
    14 years ago

    All I get is an inflatable santa and tree...

  • Marlene Kindred
    Original Author
    14 years ago


    No You Tube video on that link!

  • sunnyca_gw
    14 years ago

    Nice story!! Glad it had happy ending for all, can't put a baffle around tree that snakes can't cross like apiece of plastic that sticks out around bottom making it hard to hang on to, just a thought! I didn't get to see snake & bunny either Purplemoon! Can you try again! Jan

  • Purplemoon
    14 years ago

    I am so sorry about the link goof. Guess I didn't click copy well enough and there was an old one still on there.
    I usually check too to make sure right link is posted.
    Here's the funny video now.

    hugs, K

    Here is a link that might be useful: rabbit vs snake

  • kudzukween
    14 years ago

    Yikes! I found out the hard way,too,to check what the birds are getting upset about. Walking to the end of the driveway where there are huge bushes on each side...I noticed the birds squawking and zooming down right under the edge of the bush.Of course I looked up and was watching the birds up high when I should've looked down at the ground. But the snake let me know real quick! I heard this fast thumping sound (the snake was beating his tail on the ground warning me!) and there was a black racer with it's jaws unhinged nice and wide, swallowing a large bird. All I could see was tail feathers, part of a wing, and the bird's 2 legs sticking out of this snake's mouth!!
    Ya'll be careful of the snakes!
    I think I saw that video on America's Funniest Home Videos! Such a HUGE snake trying to get away from the rabbit, and the rabbit sure looks smart!

  • Marlene Kindred
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    GO RABBIT!!!! Too funny! I checked the babies this morning and they were fine!

  • concretenprimroses
    14 years ago

    Great story.
    I'm so glad snakes don't climb trees around here, and not too many are swimmers either. Nor poisonous. When dh and I went kayaking and camping in the boundary waters of N. Minnesota a few years ago I didn't know there were water snakes. Lucky thing! The idea of meeting snakes at any level other than foot level is just creepy to me.

  • cindee11461
    14 years ago

    Yikes don't like snakes either. WE had a huge Garter snake in the yard that was eating a large toad. I don't like them eating my toads. Would much rather have toads then snakes. He slithered away to safety. But Jack usually kills all the snakes in the yard. I have to be careful and watch out for rattlesnakes for him.

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