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Small latin-american vine and weeds

Hi everybody,

1-Any clue on this small vine, two three feets long at most, twisting type, two or three small winged seeds per fructification, no fragrance. Grows in arid rocky slopes mostly. I wish to cultivate ir so it would be more abundant, but wildplants rarely like to be moved.


2- This one reminds me a Gaura, up to six feet tall weed, variable apearence, some redisk (kind of virus or crestation I presume) very prolific with seeds resembling rye, very easy to collect.







3-A local ipomoea, grows in arid soild, tubers form inside the cracks of rocks, favorite food of some sort of orange spotted ladybug, adults and larvae leaves very little of the plant. Flower with subtle color very difficult to capture, usually closing when I wake up.




Thanks. Paul

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