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Banning of the Niqab

13 years ago

Read the news today that France is planning to put forth a nationwide law banning the wearing of the niqab/burka in public places. I haven't read too much into this although Quebec is contemplating a similar path of action after the incident some months ago with a muslim student being kicked out of the government funded language class because she refused to remove her facial covering.


Comments (17)

  • orchidnick
    13 years ago

    Kick her out! I got a kick out of the turban wearing Mounty of a few years ago who got supreme court permission to wear his turban instead of the usual 'Smokie' Mounty hat. I think that was wrong too. He does not have a right to be a Mounty. If he does not like the uniform let him join the KKK if you have such a thing up there.


  • stitzelweller
    13 years ago

    " Quebec is contemplating a similar path of action after the incident some months ago with a muslim student being kicked out of the government funded language class because she refused to remove her facial covering.
    Thoughts? "

    That's amusing. The one province which speaks a different language from the vast majority of the country is discriminating against other peoples' different clothing?

    French is also spoken in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario but it isn't a big deal, even in places where there is a French speaking majority.


  • xmpraedicta
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Quebec is weird - they are the province that speaks a different language, but perhaps as a result, they have the greatest pride in their cultural identity.

  • stitzelweller
    13 years ago

    Les Quebecois are indeed a very proud people. They have many, many reasons to be proud of their heritage.

    On more than one occasion, I have been deep into the rural areas to be confronted with a communications problem with MY French. I am quite capable of routine communication in French however....I'm not perfect!

    As long as there were "other" people nearby, NO one would "step forward" to help me. As soon as there was only ONE person, suddenly that person would help me, in English!

    Of course, the question arises, is this typical of Les Quebecois or is it typical of our species??



  • stitzelweller
    13 years ago


    you wrote, " Quebec is weird - they are the province that speaks a different language "

    NO, Les Quebecois don't speak a different language; Les Quebecois use an officially recognized language.

    The way that you phrased what you wrote displays a subtle prejudice.


  • xmpraedicta
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Stitz, you wrote: The one province which speaks a different language from the vast majority of the country

    I was just using your wording, my dear. No prejudice, I just happen to be part of the, as you say, vast majority of the country. It's a different language to the language I speak.

    I'm not prejudiced, but the way you decided to selectively clip my quote certainly makes it sound that way, doesn't it? Forgive me for my word choice and replace 'weird' with 'unique'..better?

  • stitzelweller
    13 years ago

    Calvin, Let's agree that the use of language on the internet can be trickY!


  • stitzelweller
    13 years ago

    Yesterday, I purchased a "new" (to me) food product from Canada. The info was written in the following languages beside the required French and English:

    Czech, Greek, Chinese, Japanese and German, listed in the order as I remember them.

    Not Spanish? Ariz and Calif need to learn something....


  • kwmackdog
    13 years ago

    just wanted to share a personal experience with a burqua.

    I WAS ALMOST KILLED! when a driver wearing a full burqua lost control of her car. her facial covering? slipped momentarily blinding her and the car jumped a huge curb landing just a few feet from my own vehicle. 4 tires flat, frame hung up, driver scared but essentially unhurt.

    i can't imagine the cops would have been so forgiving if the driver had been wearing a Lady GaGa get up, or for that matter a KKK hood, fencing mask, football helmet with mask, or *insert choice of head gear*


  • orchidnick
    13 years ago

    2 cases on the news today.

    California appellate court rules against a woman who sued because she was refused a driver's lic when she would not remove her facial covering for the photo. Driving is a privilege, not a right, follow the rules and you get your lic.

    In Detroit a judge asked a woman to remove her head scarf as he does not allow hats or other head covers in his court room. She complied but later sued. The appellate court ruled against her.

    America and Canada are countries of personal freedoms. If you don't like it here, you are free to move back where you came from.


  • xmpraedicta
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    50 years ago, no one wore the full niqab. Now it's popping up everywhere - what happened?

    I agree with you Nick...I'm surprised we didn't get any responses from folks on the other side of the argument. So much for stirring up a firey debate :)

  • stitzelweller
    13 years ago

    I will comply with your request for a "fiery" debate!

    As long as someone is in compliance with public safety requirements, what's the big deal about the wearing of a burka?

    As long as someone is in compliance with public safety requirements, what's the big deal about the use of an FM radio while driving?? Heaven forbid that one listen to AM radio and Michael Savage or Rush Limbaugh while driving!!

    As long as someone is in compliance with public safety requirements, what's the big deal about the use of cellular telephones while driving??

    As long as someone is in compliance with public safety requirements, what's the big deal about the use of tobacco while driving?

    As long as someone is in compliance with public safety requirements, what's the big deal about the use of alcohol while driving??


  • orchidnick
    13 years ago

    When the founders of the constitution said that 'All men are created equal', they meant all Anglo Saxon white males who owned property. I'm a firm believer in the constitution, Burkas just don't fit the mold.

    Many of Stitz's scenarios can be supported as many of his action situations will reduce the population of the over 65 year old who would other wise put a strain on the Medicare and Social Security coffers.

    That's why the government gives tobacco growers farm subsidies and does nothing to reign in child and teenage obesity. As life expectancy goes up and up, some thing has to be done to reduce the hordes of elderly mooching off the system.

    I disagree with drinking alcohol while you drive, too easy to spill, one should not waste that commodity.


  • highjack
    13 years ago

    Nick you need to stay up to date - the government doesn't give tobacco growers farm subsidies anymore.

    Since you are one of the hordes of elderly mooching off the system, be careful, you might get what you wish for.


  • orchidnick
    13 years ago

    I'm glad to hear about the tobacco, on the other subject I will eventually leave the ranks of the moochers, just want to delay that as long as possible. Keep paying your taxes.


  • stitzelweller
    13 years ago

    " the government doesn't give tobacco growers farm subsidies anymore. "

    oh! I wondered why the tobacco fields in Southern Maryland disappeared all of a sudden a few yrs back! I knew that it wasn't for a lack of demand!!


  • ginnibug
    13 years ago

    Well I don't agree with the burka, something that naturally would slow one down with what they can do or just make life a pain in the ass in general. I don't get it...a woman living in Saudi Arabia (where it's hotter than hell) lets a man dressed in white(to keep cool) insist that she be covered from head to to in black material! You have to have your hands free or you'll trip and fall over the bottom of your burka.

    But beside all that,what really needs to be banned is female circumcision. This is far too prevalent in the Middle-eastern cultures and religion. Talk about sheer insanity. I truthfully don't buy the excuses for the male version either.