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Not sure what it proves, if anything but

14 years ago

If you throw the contents of a glass of water as high in the air as you can AND if it is 21 degrees below zero and absolutely no wind. Most of the water is frozen solid before it hits the patio. Leone and I were trying this yesterday and found something strange, at least to us, a glass of hot water from the tap seems to freeze as quick or quicker than cold water. It sure is more spectacular, more steam and water vapor is released making it more fun than cold water. Can you tell we may have cases of cabin fever?

Comments (9)

  • calliope
    14 years ago

    Yes, you have just demonstrated the mpemba effect.

    Thanks, btw, for sending your weather front eastward. LOL.

  • anneliese_32
    14 years ago

    I don't know about cabin fever, to me it looks more like two kids having fun. Of course there is the grown-up, inquiring mind side which wants to now the science of freezing water, got to have an excuse!
    OK, now we have to find out from what degree on this works and what the windspeeds needs to be and windchill and water temperature. Lot's of reason for scientific exploration. Now if I just could find my thermometer. Oh what the heck, who needs a thermometer, I just play.

  • mwoods
    14 years ago

    I always put hot water in the ice cube trays,and my mother did that too. George,I still remember you and Leone blowing bubbles in the winter and them freezing.I always wanted to try that but never did. I'd better get it on the list.

  • mawheel
    14 years ago

    If our temp. gets down to -21 with no wind, I'm going to try this! Tonight and tomorrow night, it's supposed to go between 10 and fourteen degrees. I thought that was cold enough, till I read your post, George. Now, I feel kind of wimpish!

    Next, I have to learn what the "mpemba effect" is.

  • shilty
    14 years ago

    Gosh darn it!

    Just a few days ago, someone said knowingly....that hot water freezes faster than cold water... and I nodded just as knowingly cause I didn't know squat and had no way to refute.

    Now I think it may explain why the hot water freezes faster when you toss a cup of it up in the air... but I can't discuss because I nodded knowingly, instead of asking why.

    Haven't thought about doing this since my brother and I did it when the world was young...

    sweet memories.

  • gabriell_gw
    14 years ago

    I just cannot imagine 21 below temps.Yesterday it was 16 in the morning.Just unbelievable for Tyler, Texas.

  • tibs
    14 years ago

    You two just have too much fun. If everyone did this more people would move to our colder states.

  • lilod
    14 years ago

    Always make lemonade, eh George and Leone? Better thnt whinging or whining or feeling terrible about the terrible, which doesn't go away anyway.
    I sat tis evening watching my crystals sway, they look pretty that way

  • west_gardener
    14 years ago

    I saw on the TV that some guy was making an "ice tree" by attaching a mister attachment to his water hose and the mist would freeze in the air and grow a tree. He was going for a 20-30' tree. The question is, would he grow a bigger tree faster by using warm/hot water?