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9 years ago

If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans.
Stephen Hawking

I said that if an alien came to visit, I'd be embarrassed to tell them that we fight wars to pull fossil fuels out of the ground to run our transportation. They'd be like, 'What?'
Neil deGrasse Tyson

What most people don't understand is that UFOs are on a cosmic tourist route. That's why they're always seen in Arizona, Scotland, and New Mexico. Another thing to consider is that all three of those destinations are good places to play golf. So there's possibly some connection between aliens and golf.
Alice Cooper

Perhaps we've never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon Earth and decided there's no sign of intelligent life.
Neil deGrasse Tyson

I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth.
Stephen Hawking

Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian.
Robert Orben

So, one of the things I was doing with the aliens in The Quiet Invasion was creating that advanced society which had ideas about morality and proper use of natural resources that were radically different from ours, as the Europeans were from the American Indians.
Sarah Zettel

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