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9 years ago

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
Carl Jung

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.
Swami Vivekananda

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
Henry David Thoreau

Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.
Lord Byron

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk.
Doug Larson

Meditation is the soul's perspective glass.
Owen Feltham

There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart.
Charles Dickens

Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Wisdom is the quality that keeps you from getting into situations where you need it.
Doug Larson