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oriental poppies haven't put up fall foliage...

10 years ago

After my iceland poppies (in a container) died in our heat wave last year (and failed to return), and not a one oriental poppy seed sprouted via winter sowing, I threw in the towel (sort of) and picked up three oriental poppy plants in the spring. They were planted in a spot that was somewhat lacking in sun in the morning but got a very good amount in the afternoon. I'd say sometime around August it started to get pretty hot here and there (we had a pretty cool summer this year) and the foliage disappeared as expected. So now that we're in the throws of fall, from what I understand, foliage should be reemerging about now and remain through the winter. Well.... my poppies missed that memo. Or they've moved on to the big compost pile in the sky and I didn't get the memo. Either way... Whats everyone's input/experience on this? If one is dead I wouldn't be surprised. Some little critter did some digging near it and not to be out done, Evil the dog completely decimated the area.... The poor squirrels here have to deal with my dogs digging up and eating all their nuts... different story.
I'm afraid my "must have poppies.... must have poppies..." mantra may just be wishful thinking and I may have to give up on them :(

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