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C3D - has Judah lost his mind?????

16 years ago

Okay...since the GREAT ADVENTURE and Judah's return, he is making me CRAZY!

He meows incessantly, with a WIDE variety of vocalizations, all of the time. When I say "all of the time"...what I really mean is:

ALL OF THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

As we speak, he is meowing into the water dish as he drinks so it sounds like he's gargling. LOL

Prior to getting loose, we laughed about him being mime-cat b/c he would BARELY meow. You would hear his lips smack as he would open his mouth but he would just do the motions of meowing w/ no sound. The only time you really heard him meow is if he got one of the fake mouse toys make w/ rabbit fur and he thought he "killed it"...then he'd stand over it and "roooowr" like a champ.

So what's w/ him now????? He eats fine, sleeps fine, drinks fine...seems to be in great health. Did he just learn to meow while he was gone or become a wild man or something? LOL He wants outside a LOT but the meowing isn't all at the door by any's everywhere!!!!!!!

DOES HE NEED PROZAC? maybe *I* do! lol


Comments (29)

  • bonnieblueyes
    16 years ago

    Maybe he found a lady kitty while he was out and he is love sick? Have you seen any other kitties around? Does he have a cat tunnel or tent where he can go out and smell the grass or watch the birds? You poor dear, that would drive me bonkers too. I dont know what you could do for him but it does sound like he has something on his mind all the time. Its probably driving him crazy too. What a mystery. I hope chickadee can answer it for you. Good luck :-)-----bonnie

  • ademink
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Hi Bonnie! We have 4 other cats...all girls (He is a neutered male).

    He can get out on the screened porch to hang out but constantly paws on the screen until he has almost torn it out! LOL


  • bonnieblueyes
    16 years ago

    Yes its definatly not a girl problem then!!! Four girls , wow. LOL. I hope he doesnt have kiddney stones or something that is hurting him that just happened to show up at the same time as his return from a wild adventure. I cant wait to see what Chickadee says. Is he shaking his head like an ear is bothering him? I had a little dog one time that was crying all the time and i took her to the vet and they found out she had an ear infection. I wish they could just tell us but if that happened i would just pass out, so maybe not! LOL. SO sorry he has a problem :-( Poor kitty.-------bonnie

  • comettose
    16 years ago

    How old is he? A change in behavior (constanting meowing included) should be investigated by your vet. Cats with dementia will do that, but there are other causes too.

    Is he doing anything else differently - like soiling or urinating outside of his box? Is he eating and drinking sufficiently or losing weight? Coat changes? Is he swatting out at other cats or people he normally never did before? Is his breath horrible? Do the back toes knuckle under periodically? Is he getting water in or having difficulty using his tongue?

    If it were my cat I would take it in and get a baseline superchem; baseline his weight; and get an overall exam.

  • ademink
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    He was just at the vet about 2 months ago and they said he looked great.

    When he first came into the house (w/in a day), he peed in the entry way but he is notorious for doing that now and then - not that unusual. He eats great, drinks a good amount of water. His coat looks normal for this time of year and he is grooming himself. He is still a loverboy as usual and gets along great w/ the girls, nothing odd. Breath is as usual...don't know what you mean by back toes knuckling under....?

    He is doing fine w/ the water intake, as well.

    The mailman has just been here so I let him out on the porch. He is laying out there like king of his domain - happy as a clam.

    He acts like he has anxiety issues or something.

  • youreit
    16 years ago

    That is so funny, Andrea!! And so freaky, at the same time. Pookie does that lip-smacking thing sometimes, when she can't get a meow out fast enough, like after eating or drinking. LOL I laughed so hard at the gurgling description, though!

    Chicka may mean "knuckling under" as his back feet are making little fists. Clyde the pug was checked for that when he was having some neurological symptoms. He was positive for it, unfortunately. They would take his back feet and bend them under and down so the tops were touching the table he was standing on. Normally, a pet will quickly correct that and set their foot pad-down. He didn't. :(

    I hope you can find the problem (or lack thereof) soon, Andrea!! I love your kitties!!!!


  • chickadeedeedee
    16 years ago

    Dearest Judah.

    It would seem that your encounters with the Real World in the great outdoors on July 4th has made an impact on your cute fuzzy kitty brain. Did you find a girl friend? Some loose kinda feline who swayed her looong tail at you? Did you go into the tall weeds and, uhhh, smoke some weed?

    Have you met some kitties from the wrong side of the tracks? Did you find out there may be another kitty in YOUR territory and you feel the need to defend your home?

    I know you want to tell your people all about your encounters and you feel the need to relive the adventure of it all but your Mommy needs a rest! Do you need a catnip fix?

    Please ask your Mommy to check to make sure none of your teeth were broken while you were out gallivanting like the wild-man we all know you want to be. If one is broken it may be very painful. If your gums are red at the base of a tooth that can be painful and you may want your people parents to know about it.

    Ask your Mommy to check all your toes and nails and make sure that none of the nails are broken at the base or split. There's nothing between those sweet fuzzy toes that might make it ouchy to walk is there? Be sure to tell your people if you have a tick in the ear or somewhere else hidden in all that fuzziness, Sweetheart.

    If you have *anything* wrong with you, please know you can tell your Mommy and Daddy! They will do everything they can to make it all better. They love their Judah! (So do I!!!)

    If you are content to lay on the porch maybe ask your Mommy if you can be out there more often ... if it is safe AND if you have your Leukemia vaccine and the other up to date. You are too precious of a kitty to let get sick.

    If your porch is enclosed, that might be a nice place to catch some rays! :-) If not, maybe you could be out there *if* you would wear a harness and a leash. Please, oh please! No one wants to worry because you have wandered off again to have a bit of fun and did not tell us where you were! (Not that we would hold that against you!)

    Dear sweet Judah. You have been blessed with the superior kitty brain. We are just people. LOL! I know it is very difficult for us to understand the kitty intellect most of the time. Forgive us but we try.

    I suspect you got a taste of the outside world and want more of it. I don't know if the outside world is the safest place for you, dear little boy! If you have no boo boo toe or ouchy tooth or gums then maybe have a talk with your people and see if you can reach a compromise with extending your inside territory to the porch? We reached such a compromise with two of our kitties and the breezeway.

    People are soooooooooooo funny, aren't they Judah? They just do not remember that Pets ARE Relaxing!

    Kitty Prozac? We can do that but ..... not *quite* yet. :-)

    Kindest regards,


  • sleeplessinftwayne
    16 years ago

    Poor Judah! Poor Ademink! May I suggest a radio and earplugs? I once worked putting together a quilt and craft studio next to a really ancient barn and there were dozens of barn cats and they were all extremely vocal. It was rather disturbing. I asked about it and the owners said they did it to let the other cats know where they were. I don't know if that was so but when a new cat was dropped in while it's owners were on vacation, that cat began the constant yowling as well. Once it went home, it shut up after a week or so.
    We briefly cared for a cat we called Noisy as he never seemed to be quiet especially when he wanted fed. Pookie was about 7 then and up to that point I don't think she knew she was able to make a noise. She didn't even purr. After about a week, she started meowing. It was pretty rusty sounding at first but it improved with time and practice. Once Noisy went to another home, Pookie seemed to lose her voice again. It must have something to do with socialization if it only started in response to another cat. Anyone know of a good cat psychologist? Sandy

  • comettose
    16 years ago

    Sounds like the cat is OK. I would not let him out to stop the meowing. Don't give in as outdoor cats are in harms way. I'll wager he will forget his outdoor foray after some time if not permitted go out again.

    But, to add to his (and your) enjoyment you might want to consider some type of sturdy outdoor cat enclosure or one of those runs that link together so he can 'go out' safely (which means they get to use it when you are there).

    Gosh - I can't remember it just now and I have to go to work, but there is a bird website that shows various enclosures that can be built in a weekend with multiple levels. Just think how great that would be to build one and fill it with things to climb up on and into! With trees and wind and lots to look at. Kitty paradise for King Judah and clan.

    I'll look for some sites and get back to this post with them. CT

    P.S. The knuckling is a symptom related to a heart condition called cardiomyopathy which can result in a saddle thrombosis (of varying size) to lodge in a major artery that supplies blood to the rear legs which is often presented by the knuckling under of the toes on the rear feet to full blown rear leg paralysis. It is a painful and life threatening condition quite often with a poor outcome. The pain associated with it is great as the tissue is dying from lack of blood but the nerve endings are working just fine. I didn't think Judah had that but it a cat will often hollar out when it happens.

  • ademink
    Original Author
    16 years ago


    paws - check
    ears - check
    tick harboring - check
    teeth - sharp lol
    yowling - less today!!!!!

    It is definitely connected w/ wanting to have his way and go out. Today I went outside to feed Cedar (this years summer stray...) and when I came back in, Judah came FLYING for the door. LOL

    I told him he couldn't go out until after the mailman came and I swear, he was mad. He did this very demanding, short ME_OW!!! that made me LOL. hehehe

    He so daggone cute. He isn't meowing incessantly today. It seems that night time is the worse.

    Thanks everyone for all of the input!!!! As long as he's healthy, I'm ok w/ listening to him.:)

  • youreit
    16 years ago

    LOL!!! @ Judah's mad meow!! Wait until he gives you the kitty finger...*looking @ my Pookie* LOL

    Is Cedar as delicious as {{gwi:170941}}? :D


  • jeanner
    16 years ago

    Nah, he hasn't lost his mind, he just has an ATTITUDE!!!

  • chickadeedeedee
    16 years ago

    Hello Semperville, West Coast Office trying to remain in hiding type California person. *LOVE* your new moniker!!! Did ju know that the letter B is only ONE letter from D? :-)

    Oh please ... NOT the Kitty Finger! Although I think getting The Claw was worse (for sure hilarious!)

    The kitties I have met with the "saddle thrombus" are all just laying flat out and screaming in pain. They can't walk or knuckle under because the muscles in their legs are dying. The base of the nails are blue, the pads of the feet are either blue or white and this happens suddenly. The knuckling under is more of a sign of nervous system issues rather than a circulatory system event. That easily was not what our beloved Judah was doing. And he better NOT get any ideas either!

    Awwww Andrea, so good to know that my cyber diagnosis of Pets are Relaxing was apparently the right one. LOL@ ME_OW! Please give your kitties an extra cuddle from me.


  • comettose
    16 years ago

    "The kitties I have met with the "saddle thrombus" are all just laying flat out and screaming in pain. They can't walk or knuckle under because the muscles in their legs are dying. The base of the nails are blue, the pads of the feet are either blue or white and this happens suddenly. The knuckling under is more of a sign of nervous system issues rather than a circulatory system event."

    Depends on the size of the thrombus and the ability for some blood flow to the extremeties. I've had 3 with hypotrophic CM and two knuckled and one flat out. My Pixie is still alive and on a heart med, bronchodialator, and baby aspirin. Her first echo confirmed what I thought when I saw her slightly knuckle for about 20 seconds. The second echo revealed improvement with the medications and she is still alive going on one year.

    Woody, bless his heart, was 16 when I found him in the middle of the night with total paralysis of both hind legs and screaming in pain. I had him put down immediately.

    Years back, Baby (pronounced with an Irish accent) knuckled off and on for months and the vet at the time told me she was eating toxic plants or maybe chewing electric cords. I seriously doubted it because she didn't do those things. Unfortunately, her heart condition went untreated as such and eventually she had a big event and died during supportive care which was started to get her past the saddle thrombus.

    Unfortunately, CM is not easily detected in the early treatable stages unless one notices subtle changes (like knuckling) and when the big event happens it is almost always fatal due to the death of tissue as you have indicated. Even if they do survive there is still the underlying heart problems to address. CM research has a long way to go.

  • ademink
    Original Author
    16 years ago


  • chickadeedeedee
    16 years ago


  • semper_fi
    16 years ago

    WOOF......... MEOWWW!

  • youreit
    16 years ago

    As Tony Stewart said while on the track at Indy yesterday....."Here, kitty, kitty..." *giggle*

    {{gwi:170943}}, or she who loves Tony the Tiger *purr*

  • bonnieblueyes
    16 years ago


    I saw and heard that too!!!! Here kitty kitty kitty! ROFL

    I was soooo proud!~~~~~~Bonnie

  • ademink
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    And did I mention he is PEEING ON THE COUCH? And the chair? Oh wait, I mean the chairS? He is marking the living room left and right.

    omg, losing my freaking mind.

  • chickadeedeedee
    16 years ago

    OMG! Tony Stewart is peeing on your couch? Better make him stop climbing the fence with each win!
    WoooooHooo # 20!

    Sorry that Tony is marking your couch. I can't advise officially about human stuff. Thank God Mike doesn't feel the need to mark his territory! We'd need to have a ~discussion~ about that!

    Now ... if it was Judah that was doing it, I'd e mail you with some advice. :-) That will put an end to it PRONTO!

    C with 3Ds and plenty of puppy pee

    **HUGE** NASCAR fan too :-)

  • chickadeedeedee
    16 years ago

    Andrea / Judah? You have mail!

  • bonnieblueyes
    16 years ago

    Oh I love you all!!! NASCAR ROCKS!! Kiss those bricks baby!!!!

    Andrea so sorry about your furniture!!! Maybe he has a bladder infection or something. So sorry, kitty pee really stinks.... I hope C3D can fix him for you, we dont want you to lose your mind. Kitty prayers coming your way. Bonnie

  • youreit
    16 years ago

    LOL!!!!!! @ Tony going potty on the furniture!!!! That is hilarious, Chicka!!

    I sure hope Judah is just being naughty, and it's not something serious, Andrea! Well, that smell is seriously disgusting, know. PLEASE keep us updated when you can!!

    It's SO nice to know there are others who love #20 as I do. :D

    {{gwi:170943}}rick kisser and fence climber

  • chickadeedeedee
    16 years ago


    Andrea??? How's the little wild man doing? Hope Tony is housebroken too. :-)

  • fairy_toadmother
    16 years ago

    i was going to ask the same thing ct did- how old is he? some do that when they lose some hearing also. my old man actually regained some of his hearing. turns out the fluid in his ears must have caused deafness, total deafness, which was hard to determine since he would watch us like a hawk. after we took care of the fluids, he just had partial deafness from age.

  • chickadeedeedee
    16 years ago

    Judah? Have you calmed down yet?


  • ademink
    Original Author
    16 years ago


    sorry for the delay! my life is on overdrive! we are trying to raise $425000 bucks in 60 days - whoohoooo! lmao insane but i think it's going to happen!

    on to judah-bear. crazy little nut-butt has slowed his meowing a bit but still looooooves to be heard. i got feliway spray and i have to say the stuff is great. it has reduced peeing incidents significantly that had started happening. it also calms him (and the other cats) down.

    so, he is still meowing too much but not nearly as bad as before! :)

  • youreit
    16 years ago

    Not leaving puddles all over the place is the least he can do for mommy, when she's trying to do such WONDERFUL things for her community! LOL I'm so glad to hear he's better, Andrea.

    And I KNOW it's going to happen!!! What a rush!!! LOL
