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4 Buddhist Monks and a Toddler Walk into a Bar...

...not really ;]

But I did see a parent's worst nightmare on CNN. I bet the film is on youtube by now but my connection is slow, so y'all can look that up for yourselves.

I'll paint a word picture ;] ....

Some museum, somewhere (the news nowadays doesn't mention lots of facts) there is a gorgeous colored-sand 'painting' on the floor, set up as an exhibit with velvet ropes, etc. Buddhist monks took 2 days to make it, raising money or awareness for something the CNN anchors mumbled.

The museum video captures a scene of a woman with her toddler, maybe 2 1/2 years old? She turns her back for a second...

Why do these things happen so fast?!?

Yep, the kid mistakes the painting for a sandbox, maybe a chalk drawing on the sidewalk, and he is in the midst of gleefully kicking sand to and fro when Mom grabs his arm...

Aw, Man!!

The monks wee forgiving, CNN said.

Actually, I was under the impression that it was a Zen technique TO destroy these paintings after they took so much time and effort to create... a great practice to illustate the fleetingness of all things...

Anyway, it was hilarious!!

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