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If it isn't one thing it's another

Tammy Owens
16 years ago

As some of you may know last June my youngest daughter lost her baby girl at birth. It's been a tough road for my daughter but it seems she is finally able to go a few days without crying. My oldest daughter is now pregnant with a baby girl and her due date Dec.28th. Last night she was admitted into the hospital for very low amniotic fluid. Her levels should be between 10 and 20, hers was 3.8. They have her hooked to iv's hoping to increase the fluid but still after 24 hours she is only up to a 5. The doctors say the baby is doing ok.But don't want to induce until she is 37 weeks, she is at 35 1/2. Not only this, but my daughter has swollen arms and legs. She is retaing fluids in her limbs and has also been diagnosed with tachardia (heart problems. I feel like I am running around in circles...I worried to death about my daughters health and that of her unborn baby, but now I am worried about my youngest daughter all over again. She and her sister are extrememly close and it's been hard on her dealing with her sister being pregnant, and now with all the problems popping up. I just pray everything goes well and Christmas will be a good one for everyone concerned.


Comments (9)

  • rose_nutty
    16 years ago


    Is the tachcardia atrial in nature or ventrical? By way of a little reassurance, I hope, I can tell you that atrial tachcardia is treatable and is not usually life-threatening (my hubby has lived with it for most of his 50 years). Ventricalular tachcardia is more troublesome, but can also be controlled with medication. He has also had some occasional bouts of v-tach, but it has been controlled. Find a good cardiologist, take a deep breath, and try not to worry (I know, I know, easier said than done! Been there, done that, for 22 years with my DH).

  • bettym_grow
    16 years ago


    When I was 30 weeks pregnant w/ my second son, I went into premature labor at 32 weeks. They put me on Terbutaline, an anti-contraction type medication.
    I was ordered to go on bed-rest until 37 weeks when I would have a C-section (he was in breech position on top of everything else. I'd still would have had that C-sec though. It was a very difficult time, I also had a toddler to care for. My mom would come at lunch time and take care of my little girl, all I could do was lay there. I was able to hang on until right up to week 37. I had the section and he was fine!

    Once your daughter delivers the baby, all that swelling will go away, I promise! I also retain so much water right up at the last home stretch. She only had a few little weeks to hang in there grandmom! Things will work out! I'll say a prayer for her OK.


  • zeffyrose
    16 years ago

    Tammy---I don't know much about the conditions you mentioned but my thoughts and prayers are with you.
    We never stop worrying about our children.

    Pleas keep us posted--

    I know this is very diffcult for all of you.


  • rainlily_sis
    16 years ago

    If it helps, I'll tell you that my youngest was born at 29 weeks gestation. He stayed in the hospital for 7 1/2 weeks and came home at 5 pounds, 1 ounce. Here he is today, at 11:

    Medical technology is wonderful. I hope they are able to get everything under control and your daughter and grandbaby comfortable very soon. I'll pray for you all.

  • carla17
    16 years ago

    Tammy, my daughter was born early too. I hope the best for both your daughters, especially the one in the hospital!
    I know you must be worried.


  • morz8 - Washington Coast
    16 years ago

    Tammy, two years ago on Dec 11 my sister called to tell me her daughter had delivered her baby (in Durham NC so closer to you and very far from all of us - family). She had to repeat herself about three times before I understood what she was saying - the baby wasn't due until Jan 21.

    Carla cheered me up then, I was more than a little upset :)

    The baby was on the small side, just under 5#s. Grew, gained, and thrived without missing a beat and the few times I've gotten to see her (they still live in Durham), a complete delight. I'm shopping for her 2nd birthday present to mail now.

    Hang in there and please keep us posted. Of course we wish they would 'cook til done' and be full term, but less time doesn't necessarily mean potential problems. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  • Tammy Owens
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Tomorrow they will give my daughter another ultrasound, if the amniotic levels aren't up and near 20 they are going to start induction. They say the baby is doing ok. My daughter is not the the kind of person who likes to sit still or likes doctors for that matter so being in the hospital is driving her crazy. Plus now that the baby is coming, reality has set in that she is going to be a mom. I know being in the hospital is the best place for her and her unborn baby but what parents doesn't worry. I will keep you all posted and thank you all so much for your kind words and support.

  • moodyblue
    16 years ago

    I would not be too concerned about the tachycardia (rapid heart beat) which is probably all associated with your daughter's condition and being pregnant. Hopefully the amniotic fluid has increased with their treatment. If not and your wee grandchild needs to be induced, then that will be a great thing, not too premature. Tammy I wish your daughter all the very, very best - I am sure it will work out for you all and that you have a wonderful Christmas.

    I think too when the baby is born, your other daughter will be delighted for her sister and hopefully will look forward to an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth in the near future. She will be well monitored and of course the baby will be, especially because of previous history. Hopefully, your daughter realizing this will give her the strenght and encouragement to try again.

    My prayers are with you all and I know I will share your anxiousness until the wee love has been born.

    Hugs, Pauline.

    PS now look at that beautiful little boy above of Sis's - what a darling and what gorgeous photography.

  • rainlily_sis
    16 years ago

    Thank you, Pauline, that's very sweet!

    However, I do want to apologize if it seems like I was hijacking the thread with the picture - no one has indicated that they think that, but I was thinking it myself - I just wanted Tammy to take heart, and see what God and medical technology have done in our lives - he's healthy and happy, in spite of a very scary beginning to life.

    Let us know how your daughters are doing, Tammy, both of them, and the baby.