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HelpMeFind Tribute To Mel Hulse

16 years ago has put up a Tribute Ezine dedicated to Mel Hulse today. (see the link below) Mel was a very active volunteer Administrator for HelpMeFind and encouraged many significant changes in how the rose information was presented on the site. This is HelpMeFindÂs way of honoring a wonderful rosarian.

The Ezine includes an "article" with posts collected from other rose forums where Mel was an active participant. (None from GardenWeb due to respect for their copyright policy). Everyone who met Mel at the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden or here online is invited to add to this article by clicking on the "article" A Tribute to Mel Hulse and then by clicking the COMMENTS tab above the article and adding your own tributes.

The Ezine also includes several articles written by friends sharing their special memories of Mel and some wonderful photos.



Here is a link that might be useful: HelpMeFind Ezine

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