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Need recommendations for fragrance and BS resistance

14 years ago

I'm helping someone plan a garden that will contain several roses. I'd like to recommend ones that are disease resistant but that also have a strong fragrance. Any suggestions for hot humid Atlanta? Thanks. Jeff

Comments (13)

  • redbirds
    14 years ago

    My strongest smelling roses are Madame Alfred Carriere (a monster!), Mrs. B.R. Cant (I'm so in love with her flower and plant form), Maggie (a beautiful dark pink), and Jaune Desprez (a pretty blend of pastel colors in the blooms). Darlow's Enigma also has a strong wild rose-type smell and bloom. I do not spray and the foliage on these roses looks good most of the time, and I'll go head-to-head with Atlanta in the humidity department any day! ;)

  • michaelg
    14 years ago

    'Maggie' is fully susceptible to blackspot in my climate. It is considered resistant in central Texas. You are halfway between, but I wouldn't risk it.

    I don't grow them here, but here are lots of good old Teas and Noisettes to choose from, with the caveat that a lot of people can't detect the tea rose fragrance. Ideally you all should visit a garden with old roses. If you don't know any, go to and contact a local rose society. They will want to help you.

    Of the roses I grow, 'Aloha' would be the best choice. It has large, fragrant pink flowers that resemble hybrid teas (in case your friend wants something that "looks like a rose"). Another would be 'Papi Delbard.' These are short climbers that can be pruned to 6 x 6 shrubs.The great Austin rose 'Heritage' might be OK without spray in Atlanta, but will get some blackspot.

  • collinw
    14 years ago

    How about the Bermuda mystery rose Spice. It is fragrant and gets only mild BS in my no-spray garden here in hot and humid Birmingham.

  • jimmiesgran
    14 years ago

    I second Darlow's Enigma. Never have seen blackspot on it and it is very fragrant. You really can smell it 10 feet away.

    Wild Spice is clean and fragrant.

    Belinda's Dream looks more like a HT and is very fragrant. Leaves aren't perfect but pretty darn good for me with no spraying.

    Same goes for the leaves of Cramoisi Superieur and it is fragrant too.

    The health of Belinda's Dream seems to vary more region to region, but the other 3 are mentioned by a lot of people as being healthy for them.

  • sammy zone 7 Tulsa
    14 years ago

    I could share much of my list with you, but I do not usually detect the fragrance that most people do. Many will come into my garden, and say "Oh, don't you love that smell?" But I cannot really detect it. If I do, I must put my nose right up to it.


  • gardennatlanta
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Thanks, all. I appreciate the suggestions.

    Sammy, I'd like your list. They might be fragrant to me.

    No one mentioned Champney's Pink Cluster or Blush Noisette--bred in Charleston, I think. Are they BS prone?

  • sunnync
    14 years ago

    Crepuscule is a lovely apricot noisette climber that is disease-free in my black-spot haven. (I do not spray.) Of teas, General Gallieni gets no bs. Mrs. BR Cant and Barrone Henriette de Snoy get some but they seem unaffected by it. Naga Belle is a wonderful hybrid tea. Gets some bs but it does not seem to slow the famtastic amount of bloom. Also recommend Belinda's Dream and several Buck roses. Quietness and Winter Sunset are outstanding. I also love the apricot Prairie Sunrise but she gets some bs. Sorry, I am not good on fragrances. Other Buck roses are new this year so cannot comment on them.

  • jovy1097
    14 years ago

    I second the recommendation of Belinda's Dream. It does fantastic for me in Louisiana. If you want climbers, I recommend Madame Alfred Carriere, Reve d'Or, and New Dawn. For bush roses, Mrs. BR Cant cannot be beat, though it does get huge. Some others that do well here are Archduke Charles, Cramoisi Superieur, Earthsong, and Buff Beauty.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Lots of roses on my blog

  • jeffcat
    14 years ago

    I have Belinda's Dream. It's a shrubby grower and has a real distinctive sweet scent. Blooms are a solid shade of flat pink. Scent doesn't travel a whole bunch, but I'm waiting for round 2 of blooms which will have quite a few more, so I assume it will have some scent in the air this next time. No disease or problems so far, although I am in Ohio.

    I just purchased New Dawn. I've heard from the majority of people it doens't have barely any fragrance, but to me it quite clearly does. It's a really odd fragrance, but most definitely there. It won't bite your nose like most OGR or Belinda's Dream does, but it has more of a musky toned down smell that is almost similar to how vanilla smells. Can't comment on disease resistance. From the reports I've heard New Dawn is still disease/BS succeptible, but it's such a vigourous grower that you can't even notice it.

  • girlgroupgirl
    14 years ago

    Jeff, I live in downtown Atlanta and have a no-spray garden. My #1 rose recommendation for any gardener here is "The K-Mart Rose". I have no idea what it is,but the K-mart on Moreland used to sell them 25 years ago. They get BS but never loose all leaves, are only out of bloom from Dec-February or March and smell great. Culsters of red roses growing on a fairly large bush.
    New Dawn in our neighborhood is currently leafless (I don't grow it). I would say Darlow's Enigma is an excellent choice, mine is so healthy and beautiful and in bloom most of the summer. My Cramoisi Superieur started off great this year and got BS from the is leafless and sick looking. I've had problems with it on and off for two years which is sad. I love her.
    Some of my other faves only bloom once like Veilchenblau, Mozart and Chevy Chase.
    I also like Leverkussen which can get BS and for me is always sparing of foliage but blooms frequently with beautiful yellow blooms and has the largest hips of all my roses.

  • michaelg
    14 years ago

    Girlgroup, for the red cluster-bloomer, check 'Eutin' at HelpMeFind. (Wild guess.)

  • jovy1097
    14 years ago

    The K-mart rose is almost definitely Eutin. They are everywhere in Louisiana where I live. It is easy to propagate and blooms a lot. It's an old Floribunda that for some reason isn't sold much by the vendors any more.

  • girlgroupgirl
    14 years ago

    Thanks rose people, Eutin sure looks like my rose. I love this thing. It takes a licking and keeps on ticking and for some reason was prolific at the local K-Mart! It is my favorite for blooming through heat, taking abuse etc.
    However Countryside says there has little fragrance. Mine is pretty heady at times.