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mulch and throw sowing

I had hoped that some seeds I have which are supposed to be faithful reseeders (Rose campion and verbena bonariensis) would do well if I tossed them throughout the garden--throwing and sowing. These are two plants that I would like to have poking up through my beds everywhere. I am winter sowing many seeds but had hoped to save myself some trouble by direct sowing at least these two. I am, however, trying to bring a neglected garden under weed control. Last year I tarped and mulched heavily. This year the tarp can come out (hope those weeds are seriously handicapped, if not dead), but I don't want to lose the mulch. I've read some posts on here about mulch, and it seems that the mulch throws a wrench in my plans to direct sow these seeds everywhere.

Is there any chance, or any way, I can spread these seeds throughout the garden with the mulch, or am I going to have to germinate them elsewhere and then transplant into the garden?

I appreciate your help!


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