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free greenhouse?

13 years ago

Hi. I'm currently working on an organic farm in the process of getting USDA certification. We keep hearing rumors of the possibility of getting a greenhouse paid for by the government or somebody. Obviously, this would be a huge cost saver for us and would let us extend our seasons easily.

Has anyone heard about this?


Comments (9)

  • kudzu9
    13 years ago

    That sounds like wishful thinking to me, but could be a garbled version of some type of federal assistance program that got scrambled 10 times before the story got to you. For example, you may find that the Small Business Administration would facilitate a loan to a startup nursery with an adequate business plan. I also doubt in these terrible economy times that any state or local government would have such a giveaway program. If you find out differently, please re-post and I'll eat my hat. I expect, however, that you shouldn't expect to drive your pickup truck to the Free Greenhouse Warehouse any time soon.

  • oakhill (zone 9A, Calif.)
    13 years ago

    "In a pilot study, USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will provide financial assistance for growers in 38 states to receive approximately half the cost of one high tunnel per farm to successful applicants. The project is funded through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), the EQIP Organic Initiative, and the Agricultural Management Assistance program. Deadlines vary by state and may be as early as January 15, 2010."

  • randy41_1
    13 years ago

    I signed up for the program, It was to get a free hoophouse. An agent came to my farm when I wasn't home to determine if I have highly erodible land. He determined that I do and sent me a registered letter to tell me I couldn't do anything on my land without first consulting him. I quit pursuing the free hoophouse.

  • tdscpa
    13 years ago

    Our government just can't find enough things to throw money at.

    Send your goofiest ideas for wasteful, idiotic government spending to: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C., Attn. :Occupant.

  • sfallen2002
    13 years ago

    Well you miss an opportunity to educate re: hh and soil. I can't see how "erodable" soil type disqualifies you, given soil is generally erodable. Did you try to pin them down or are you giving up on the idea?

    If you want to talk about tossing money away let's bring the troops home. Serious money ther and its pretty much all off the books.

  • miwa
    13 years ago

    >Our government just can't find enough things to throw
    >money at.

    This is the High Tunnel program via NRCS. There is a YouTube video of white house admin on the white house yard 'pretending' to help put up a low tunnel. That I think, was goofy. And they called it a low tunnel I think.. but the program is for high tunnels.

    From what I hear, its not like the GOV wants to give every Joe and Jane a free greenhouse. Rather, they want to see if high tunnels can increase and extend crop production. Most likely they will approve people with experience or who already grow.

    As for the quote above... If we can grow more locally, is that a bad thing? Less chemical and diseases from all the food we have to ship in from south of the border, etc. And if we can help local farmers do better business, it is a good thing I think.


    Here is a link that might be useful: USDA to Launch High Tunnel Pilot Study

  • ontheteam
    13 years ago

    If you want to talk about tossing money away let's bring the troops home. Serious money ther and its pretty much all off the books.

    Seriously out of place comment.. wanna talk politics? Go find another place to do it.

  • calliope
    13 years ago

    You would be surprised at the number of professional growers who when they downsize or retire will give their structures to people simply for the take-down.

  • sfallen2002
    13 years ago

    To ontheteam -
    Interesting (mildly) that you decry the statement of fact as an unacceptable political post but the opinion posted earlier, that you're just fine with.

    The act of gardening is a political statement. Sorry to ruffle your feathers.

    Guess you get the last word if you care that much about it.
