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privacy and a chain link fence

17 years ago

Hi folks;

We recently moved into a new home.It has a very large yard though which is lucky for us as we have a dog, it is completely fenced in. The problem is it is a chain link fence. It is in great condition and would be too expensive at this point to replace. Also replacing it would post a problem with the neighbors as they both have very old well established plantings that would be disturbed and possibly destroyed were we to start digging up fence posts that I am assuming are imbedded in cement. And on one side I wouldn't want to erect a privacy fence because the neighbors yard is very pleasing and we kibbits at the fence line quite a bit.the real problem here is one of our neighbors has a great dane that visits frequently and that my dog can't standThis creates a loud rucus everytime this dog is visiting, sometimes daily. this neighbor also has two spaniels that my dog could care less about. Too make a long story short we need to create privacy to keep our dog, a beagle from seeing this great dane. Also there are some new neighbors to the back of us that do not care about their yard and have weeds growing some 5 ft. tall. Can anyone give me an idea how to make my yard more private without removing this fence? I plan on planting some large trees, bushes etc. while I redo the landscaping and this will create some privacy but need a barrier behind these to keep the dog from burrowing beneath to get to the other one. any and all suggestions would be appreciated. thanks!

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