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Where can I order 2 specific Trimmer Carb parts by US postal vs a

12 years ago

Where can I order 2 specific Trimmer Carb parts by US postal vs a bag of STUFF? I would do more experimenting and repairs if I could reduce my cost. The problem is, I get no reimbursements since the items are donated and I repair and donate them. IâÂÂll spend and allow the needy to spend on clear needs vs experimenting. I have tried 6 years of organized volunteering to learn you are better on your own in many cases. loger

Comments (7)

  • fisher40037
    12 years ago

    What do you mean? The actual shipping costs on a few light parts may be $1.50.
    But the shipping costs are more costly than the parts....

    So the seller should sell these parts at a loss? Please clarify.....

  • loger_gw
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    I feel I s/n have to buy a generic carb kit to fit 10 carbs when I need two parts. Some parts are itemized on-line but must be UPS tracked and etc,. Plus, local parts come in the wasteful kits. That Is My Point! loger

  • rcmoser
    12 years ago

    Carb. kits in my area are 6 to 8 bucks last time I brought one, even at that price it atleast 300% mark up IMO due to overhead, profit, and stocking costs. Some hardware and SE shops in my area sell individual parts but usually not cost effective do to the indivdual parts cost.

    I save the extra parts, (got drawer full) sometime's one the next adventure I can use the excess and not have to buy another kit. I would imagine if you could fine specific part it would be 1/2 as much as the kit atleast, then shipping? as Fisher said probably cheaper to just buy the kit and save the extras IMO. Besides IMO most carb. just require good cleaning. 20% may require the welch plug remove to get the idle, mid, and full throttle jets for cleaning for those you will need kit, unless you saved the welch plugs for kit you didn't use and just need the diaphramns???.

    You may have to watch ebay. Good example I need light kit for my folding bike. Walmart wanted 16.95, got direct deal from china in usa (exact same light kit at walmart)for $2.00 plus 2.95 shipping cost. Wally probably paid less than $1 for them in bulk??? Another example is the bike safety helmet 29 bucks vs. $3 dollars return new in box ebay 3.95 shipping.

  • loger_gw
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    rcmoser, Thanks for the reply. I'll be looking on the curbs and donations for my experimenting supplies. I have more STUFF and Etc due to kits than I will ever use. Actually I'm trying to Clean House from helping and experimenting. I'm making good progress since Technology is not geared to rebuilding vs replacing. I help feed the Recycles vs spending to donate. loger

  • fisher40037
    12 years ago

    You are likely after the fuel pump and metering diaphram,
    which you can order seperately from the distributor if you
    know your actual part number, but I said distributor,
    who does not sell retail, and also use UPS or Fedex, which
    makes the shipping cost too high. Also no one wants a parts guy to spend a 1/2 hour to sell a part that no one carries=no one ever orders, they just don't. Now Stihl sells the parts individually, but their price is more than you can get the kit for. The packaging and shipping costs
    $2.00 at a bare minimum USPS, most online sellers charge at least $5 shipping and handling, your local shop stocks
    the gasket kit for @ $5 , @ $10 for the whole kit, that is what I mean, not trying to make you mad.
    I sell a lot on e-bay, but won't sell anything for $2
    as you make no money for the time invested.


  • loger_gw
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Thanks Fish! I understand the economics in this matter and no harm or misunderstanding. I try to volunteer on repairs for the elderly Etc. or repair donated equipment and donate it. I was looking for a source of specifics as you mentioned (fuel pump and metering diaphragm). I knew shops w/n working from "excessive" kits in all cases. I recently realized I knew an employee "too well" at a major shop and parts supply that re-opened. I feel I will be able to purchase itemize parts through him since he knows my mission. Plus, recipients� d/n mind paying for their needs if it takes a full kit to get them going. loger

  • ewalk
    12 years ago

    I agree with all recommendations. Having repaired numerous units from saws to mowers to trimmers , you will find many have duplicate parts . Usually you have to acquire spares from various sources overtime and will soon remember what parts are much harder to find and become somewhat of a spare parts packrat lol . The Big killer with many of the newer engines are the ignition modules which can be quite expensive over the older coil and points systems. Anyhow keep picking up the freebee's and you will soon have a solid inventory of reliable spares.